Lauren Harper
About Lauren Harper
Lauren Harper is thrilled to be joining the Brookewood faculty for the 2024-2025 academic year. Lauren was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio alongside her two sisters. She moved to Washington D.C. to study Economics and Spanish at the Catholic University of America. She graduated in 2016 and spent one year volunteering at an inner city Catholic elementary school in Cincinnati. It was during this service year that she discovered her passion for Catholic education. She returned to the DC area and began working at Our Lady of Victory School. For two years she was an assistant and a STEM teacher in the elementary school. Then for the following four years, she taught 5th grade. While working at Our Lady of Victory, she completed coursework for her teaching license and received a Master of Education degree with a concentration in special education. She is also a certified catechist in the Archdiocese of Washington. In 2023, Lauren was awarded the Golden Apple Award for teaching excellence and dedication to Catholic education, an award given annually to 10 teachers in the Archdiocese of Washington. Lauren is returning to the area after living for 1 year in Rome, where she was discerning a vocation to religious life. She is full of joy to continue following and serving God by returning to the classroom at Brookewood where she can help her students and be helped by her students on the path to sainthood.